How do I claim compensation for my lost shipment?

To make a claim, contact us with the details of your lost package. All claims must be reported within 30 days of being collected. Once you have made your claim, we will request full details of your shipment. This will include a description of the inner and outer packaging of the box, along with the contents.

Note: We request images of the box’s contents, as it increases the likelihood of locating the lost shipment.

Searches for lost shipments take up 10 working days to complete. Once it is complete, if the item is not located, we will issue you with claim forms. You will need to return the claims forms, with the following evidence:

  • A copy of the original purchase receipt
  • If that is can’t be provided, a copy of the invoice for a replacement item

We will not be able to accept a sales invoice, and if the item is on our excluded items list we will automatically reject the claim.

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