What level of compensation am I entitled to?

If you’re sending with no parcel protection

To be liable for compensation with no parcel protection, the item must be either lost or damaged.

  • We do not offer free parcel protection for EVRi, for all other services our free Parcel Protection is limited to £50 per shipment. 
  • If sent internationally by air the free parcel protection is limited to either £50 or 17 SDR per kilo (whichever is greater)
  • If sent internationally by road free parcel protection is limited to either £50 or 8.3 SDR per kilo (whichever is greater).

Learn more about SDR

If you purchased parcel protection

Parcel protection covers any item that is lost or damaged. Any claim can be only be settled to the value of the parcel protection you originally took out.

Documents needed to support a loss or damage claim

To prove the value of your lost or damaged items you must provide one of the following:

  • Original purchase receipt of item
  • Invoice to repair the item (if damaged)
  • Invoice to replace the item (if it cannot be repaired or is lost)

Note: Quotes and web links are not acceptable for either of the above scenarios

If your parcel is delivered late

If your parcel is delivered late and you have booked a timed delivery or added a money back guarantee to your order you are entitled to claim for your shipping charges to be refunded.

You must notify us within 15 working days of the guaranteed delivery date.

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