How do I make a booking on your website?

  1. What information you will need before you book
  2. Getting a quote
  3. Booking your shipment
  4. Extra information required if you are sending outside the EU
  5. Important things to know when using a courier

What information you will need before you book

Make sure you have the following information to hand before you start your booking:

  1. The weight and dimensions of each parcel you are sending. Learn more
  2. The full collection and delivery address
    Ensure the town and state are spelled correctly and the postcode is accurate.
  3. The value of each item you are shipping
  4. A phone number for both the collection and delivery point
    Ideally a mobile number.
  5. An email address for the receiver
    If you want us to send them updates.

Getting a quote

Step One: Enter your details

Enter the destination and the size and weight of each parcel into our quote form, be as accurate as possible or it may affect the price or transit time. Learn more

Although it’s not essential, we recommend you enter the collection and delivery postcode to enable us to provide an accurate price and transit time.


Step Two: Pick a service

We offer two pick-up options:

  1. Collection from your door
  2. Drop off at a local shop
    • More convenient, as you don’t have to wait home all day and normally cheaper.

You will be given a choice of service speeds and prices. Select the service that works best for you. Pay attention to whether it is a drop off or collection service.

Note: Most services require a printer for the shipping labels and paperwork. We do offer services where no printer is required but they generally cost a bit more. Each service has a printer icon to show whether a printer is required or not.

Booking your shipment

Step 1 - About your parcel


Provide a brief description of your shipment. If you're shipping electronics we recommend also including a model number. If you’re sending more than one item, try to provide as much detail as you can within the character restriction. 


Please enter the total value of the items you're sending.

Parcel Protection

For most services we offer £50 Parcel Protection for loss or damage. For shipments over £50 we recommend you purchase our parcel protection.


Step 2 - Collection and delivery details

If you have selected a collection service

Enter the collection and delivery addresses, taking care to enter the city, state and postcode accurately. Learn more about searching for the right address.

If you have selected a drop off service

Choose your nearest drop off location. 


Contact details

Most couriers need a phone number of the sender and receiver. 

If collection is not from your address: Please enter the senders email, so we can send them the shipping labels.

If you would like us to send the receiver tracking updates: Then please provide a receiver email address.

Do I need to provide the recipient's contact details?


Click here for the additional steps if you are sending outside the EU

Step 3: Confirmation & payment

Time for a final check of everything you have entered before confirming. You can then either progress to payment or add this shipment to your basket and start creating another shipment.



We offer a variety of secure methods to pay, including debit and credit cards and PayPal. Once you have paid you will be able to print off your shipping labels. 

Booking a shipment going outside the EU

If you are sending a non-EU shipment you will need to provide some additional information on what you are shipping and why as your shipment will go through customs clearance and may also have duty and tax charges applied. Learn more about customs duty and tax.

We use the information you enter on this step to create a customs invoice, which will then be submitted to customs by the carrier.

Completing your customs declaration

Tell us why you're sending your shipment

The reason you are sending the shipment is important, as it can affect the amount of duty or tax. For example, many countries allow you to send low value gifts and personal effects without having to pay duty or tax, whereas if you're selling something, duty will be due. Learn more about customs and how the reason for export can affect duty and tax.



  1. Some countries do not charge duty and tax on gifts and personal effects up to a certain value.
  2. You don't have you provide a declaration statement, but you can use this field to provide more detail if you need to.
  3. Some countries also require the personal or business tax ID of the receiver – For most countries this is not mandatory but if you provide this when booking, it can help speed up customs clearance.

Tell us how many of each item you're sending and how much they are worth:


Note: Add a new entry for each type of item you are sending.


Tell us how many of this item you're sending.


Be as specific as possible, for example, instead of entering T-shirt, enter V-Neck cotton t-shirt, or if you're sending electronics enter the model number.


Enter the quantity of each item you're sending and the price of each.

Country of Origin

If you’re not selling the item: Simply select the UK.

If you’re selling something: Enter the country that the products your selling where made in.

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